Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bumps on Parade

Ladies, I did not have a fun night.

I just came from a bridal shower. I sat with a girl from my college who is eight months pregnant. She got to unabashedly shove cookies and cakes and candies into her mouth and feel good about herself, while I licked a smidge of frosting off the side of my fork and felt guilty.

Two of the bridesmaids were knocked up. They got to show off their growing bellies in pretty maxi dresses that made them looked like glowing goddesses, while I felt like a little girl at a birthday party in my short sundress.

About 10 guests had baby bumps. They fawned over each other and shared due dates and baby names, while I talked about boring old work.

But damn. I looked skinny. :)


  1. Showers make me want to hit someone. Wedding, baby, BAH to them all!

    Sorry it was a rough night - but I bet you looked damn good!

    Someone very kindly shared this with me tonight when I needed it I'm passing it along to you! It's called "Pregnant Women are Smug" - I hope it'll give you a laugh!

  2. Fertility Chick - you are awesome and made my day with that clip. Ahahahaha!

  3. Sorry about the shower!! You think..ahh its just gonna be a nice bridal shower...and then EVERYONE IS PREGNANT!! I HATE getting baby shower invites in the mail and I try my hardest to find reasons not to go...I can't torture myself like that!! Here's hoping that you are the next baby shower you have to attend!!!
